Looking to keep cool? Check out our selection of Ice Tickles and Tropical Squeeze. They come in assorted flavors and sizes including our GIANT size. The Ice tickles are available in 2 oz (120 per case) and 7 oz (36 per case). The tropcial squeeze are available in 2 oz (60 per case) and 6 oz (24 per case)
- Ice Tickle:
- Watermelon
- Cherry
- Bubblegum
- Grape
- Lemon-Lime
- Orange
- Strawberry
- Pineapple
- Lime
- Tropical Squeeze:
- Mango Pineapple
- Peach Lemonade
- Kiwi Strawberry
- Pink Lemonade
- Pina Colada
- Bannana Strawberry
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